

For most businesses, the goal at the end of the day is to attract more customers. Maximizing lead generation opportunities, and tracking those leads, is critical.

Capture The Lead.

For most, if not all businesses, the goal is to increase sales, and ultimately profits. This will vary from business to business, whether that’s a sale, a contract, a product – But the goal is the same. CAPTURE THE LEAD.

While established businesses can rely on repeat business and word of mouth, most businesses (if not all) still need leads to come in. Today, that’s typically from methods done in the online world.

Lead generation and tracking strategies typically include creation and tracking of online forms, phone tracking, live chat tracking and what we call “event tracking” in analytics.

Lead Generation

An effective Lead Generation Strategy isn't throwing noodles at the wall, and waiting to see what sticks.

There are a slew of different options when it comes to generating leads. One of the most common lead generation strategies is using “Calls to Action” and online forms on your website. Phone call source tracking is another great tool, as well as tracking certain click events, downloads and live chats. For offline advertising, call tracking, landing pages and special offers can provide valuable insight.

Lead gen strategies will vary tailored to your unique strategy and goals. One thing will be consistent across the board, and that is TRACKING. A lead is incredibly valuable, a lead that turns into a sale is invaluable. But at the end of the day, the tracking is what tells you where best to invest your advertising dollars to get the most bang for your buck.

A lead generation and tracking strategy can be simple or complex. It can be as versatile as it needs to be. The goal is to determine your cost per lead, and ultimately the return on the investment. Tracking KPIs or key performance indicators allows you to see where to allocate funds to get the most return, at the lowest cost.

While the data is king, the internal piece is taking that data and determining what actually closed as a sale. We follow the lead from the day it comes in, tracked through to either closing or archival. We’re not just throwing noodles at the wall to see what sticks! Lead generation strategy, combined with tracking, results in more sales. Investing in advertising without defining goals and tracking leads is common, but ineffective. Take your business and advertising to the next level with proper data and defining a lead cultivation and tracking strategy.

The Basics of lead generation strategy

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