

A true analysis of any business or non-profit organization’s marketing strategy is much MORE than a website analysis checklist or marketing audit report.

YOU NEED THE Big picture not just a website analysis or marketing audit.

A generic website analysis or marketing audit is useful and easy to use. It can identify low hanging fruit that could potentially capture a new client. However, it takes a bit more to truly provide a complete picture.

Each and every business is different, and in order to honestly evaluate a business, it requires diving in and immersing yourself into the different aspects of how that organization operates.

Marketing and Website Analysis

A marketing analysis is a comprehensive process, not a checklist

We start with the basic principles of a successful website design and a successful marketing strategy, and then take a look at the internal operations for the customer journey specific to YOUR business.

Starting with the moment the customer makes that first phone call, and seeing how they travel through your business from a lead, to a sale and then the follow up beyond. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes coupled with a few small tweaks and proper tracking can have a BIG impact on your ROI.

The core principles of a marketing and website analysis include;

A new relationship with a client begins with this immersive process.  This overview can also make sense for strategy planning purposes. Having an un-biased third party evaluate current efforts can shed insight and highlight opportunities.

If you’re interested in a comprehensive marketing analysis, contact us today!

Are you ready to get diggin?

Because we are!

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Phone: 440-525-2224
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